Amazing Field Trips to Start the Year!

Amazing Field Trips to Start the Year!
Posted on 11/03/2022
Grade 2
2nd Grade students have been learning about the rotting log habitat and what the plants and animals need to survive. Students visited the Maynard Ecology Center to observe and compare plants and animals in different habitats. Students thought about how the structures in each habitat help the organisms meet their needs. Watch video >>

Grade 4
Fourth graders recently visited Harvard’s Natural History Museum as part of their study of “Our Changing Earth”. Through an examination of rock samples, fossilized organisms, and living creatures, students discovered how the city of Cambridge went from a shallow, ancient ocean to what it is today.

Grade 5
Last week grade 5 had an amazing trip to Purgatory Chasm. The Purgatory Chasm is located in the middle of Massachusetts in Sutton and is maintained by the DCR. It has a visitor center, play structures, ball fields, and most importantly, nature paths! The most challenging and entertaining walk took students through the heart of a boulder chasm created by the retreating of glaciers. Students could scramble over rocks, explore caves and walk tree lined paths. 

The connection to science included observing mushrooms (fungi), the color changes of leaves and small bugs. Students observed consumers (bugs and birds), producers (plants), and decomposers. They made connections to their decomposition models and ecosystem research. 

The best part of the adventure, for many, was the sliding rock. It is a giant rock formation that is angled perfectly for sliding down. At one point in the day 15 students slid down the rock at once, making for many squeals and laughs of delight. 

It was an incredible day for making new friends, reconnecting with old friends, and learning more about the natural world. Thanks to everyone who helped make it possible.

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