Learning Expeditions
junior kindergarten and kindergarten, we explore our world and we
embrace the habits of inquiry and exploration that set the stage for a
lifetime of learning. Specific learning expeditions vary across general
education and S.E.I. classrooms. A few examples of learning expeditions
at these grade levels are described below.
learn about the water cycle and properties of water through lots of
hands-on exploration, including dramatization of the water cycle,
experimentation with objects that sink and float, and careful
observation of how water behaves in different contexts. We learn about
how scientists formulate hypotheses, and we try out our own hypotheses
by building boats and testing their ability to float. We learn about
non-fiction as we read to increase our knowledge. Finally, we work
together to create our own book about water.
learn about healthy and unhealthy foods as we practice our emerging
literacy skills through authentic tasks like writing grocery lists and
labeling our drawings of healthy meals.
learn about the differences between living and nonliving things. We
consider the survival needs of different organisms and learn about their
habitats. We develop our ability to compare and contrast as we consider
the needs of plants and animals. During this unit, we also engage in an
author study of Eric Carle.