graders at Graham and Parks practice leadership in a variety of ways,
such as leading assemblies, organizing a food drive, and buddying up
with younger readers. We see ourselves as role models for the younger
grades and we strive to set good examples through character and
Learning Expeditions
Science Feature Articles
We examine how scientists communicate in writing, and we engage in our own independent research projects.
Colonial Life
this learning expedition, we move beyond Massachusetts, a topic of
study in Grade 3, and we dig into the experiences of Colonists across
the thirteen colonies. We compare the experiences of colonists from
different perspectives: African-Americans, Native Americans, and
Europeans; men, women, and children.
Road to Revolution
our studies of the events leading up to American independence, we are
guided by the question, “How did the common citizen effect change?” We
look at the events that led to the Revolution and we explore the changes
brought about by independence.
Science Capstone Project
grade 5, we engage in science investigations and science literacy
skills that prepare us for moving up to 6th grade. We review core
science ideas in life science, earth & space science, physical
science, engineering, and technology. Each month students engage with
science content and materials that increase their understanding about a
particular topic area (for example, plants, soils, lifecycles,
adaptations, relationships in life science). We engage in science
practices - asking questions, designing investigations, developing and
using models, collecting and analyzing data, constructing explanations,
and engaging in argument from evidence.
As a culminating
project, students will prepare to present to other students a science
investigation, idea, research that they found interesting from the
course of study. This is an event for 5th graders in May/ June at the
Vassal Lane Upper School.