Arrival and Dismissal Time

Student arrival time is 8:05 - 8:13AM.
All students are expected to be in classrooms by 8:15AM. This year students will meet their classroom teacher outside in the morning at the following locations:

  • CPP - Main Entrance on Linnaean Street, Right side when facing the school
  • Kindergarten - Main Entrance on Linnaean Street, Right side when facing the school
  • Grade 1 - Main Entrance on Linnaean Street, Left side when facing the school
  • Grades 2 - 5 - G&P Playground
    • Students should find their classroom number painted on the cement and line up in front of their number.
    • Grades 2 & 3 will be on the soccer field.
    • Grade 4 & 5 & our LBLD classroom will be on the basketball court.

While we encourage all students to walk, bike, or take the bus to school, we understand some families will drive their child(ren). If driving, parents and caretakers of CPP, Kindergarten, and grade 1 students must park and walk their child to the main entrance. Parents of students in grades 2 - 5 have the option of parking or dropping off along Avon Street (by handicapped walkway to the playground) or Walker Street (at the entrance to the playground) from 8:05 - 8:13AM. If you are a parent of a student in grades 2 - 5 and using our new drop off zones, please note:

  • These are Drop & Go (parents and caregivers can not get out of the car). Staff will be available to assist students.
  • Students must exit the car on the passenger side (not on the street side).
  • Prior to 8:05AM staff need to be able to access the parking lots. You may not line up before 8:05AM and wait to drop off your child.

Any student who arrives after 8:13AM needs to enter through the main entrance on Linnaean Street and check in at the main office.  

The school day ends at 2:45PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday and at 2:15PM on Wednesday. This year classes will dismiss walkers and students who are picked up by a caregiver at the same location they were dropped off in the morning. This means:

  • CPP, Kindergarten, and Grade 1 - Main Entrance
  • Students in Grades 2 - 5 - G&P Playground
  • Grades 2 & 3 will be on the soccer field.
  • Grades 4 & 5 & our LBLD classroom will be on the basketball court.

Teachers and staff will ensure that students riding the bus get on safely. Students who attend after school programs in the Graham & Parks building will transition to their program at this time.

Please make sure your child's teacher knows their dismissal plan every day. Any changes must be made in writing by email or a ParentSquare message to the teacher. If you need to make a last minute change, please call the Main Office at 617.349.6577 before 12PM to ensure enough time to communicate the plan to the teacher.

If your child needs to be picked up early for an appointment, please pick them up before 2PM. Dismissals between 2:00 PM and the end of the regular school day are disruptive to the end of the day routines and are strongly discouraged.

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