A Note from Principal Tony Byers: November 24, 2020

Dear Families,

Please see the summary of new information below. We wish you and your family a restful and safe Thanksgiving break. We are thankful for your partnership over these last few months.

Summary of New Information

  • All School: Wednesday, November 25th, is an Early Release Day
    • The student day ends at 12:00.
  • At-School: Revised Thanksgiving Guidance
    • Revised Thanksgiving travel and gathering guidelines are below.
    • Stay home and stay safe.
  • At-Home: Feeling Thankful!
    • Thank you for your partnership in remote learning!

All School Updates.

Wednesday, November 25th, is an Early Release Day
The day before Thanksgiving break is always an Early Release Day. The student day ends at lunch time. No work or check-ins will be scheduled after 12:00.

At-School Updates

COVID-19, Thanksgiving Gatherings, and Travel Revised

Last week, we shared specific guidelines around travel and gathering over the Thanksgiving break. Since then, Maine and New Hampshire have been removed from the list of COVID-19 lower-risk states. Only Vermont and Hawaii remain on the list. If you travel to any other state, you are required to quarantine for 14 days when you return or produce a negative COVID-19 test.

In addition, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued clear guidance discouraging travel and gathering with people outside your immediate household. The safest Thanksgiving is spent at home with our families. Please reconsider any plans that include travel and multiple household gatherings, especially indoors.

If, for whatever reason, you choose to travel and/or gather, please get a COVID-19 test before your child returns to school. Make an appointment or just walk up; families have reported that walk ups are not generally turned away.

We’ve also heard that the lines for COVID testing have been long this week, which suggests that many Cantabrigians are planning to take some risks this break. Please remember that we’re counting on you to keep our community safe.

At-Home Updates

Feeling Thankful!
Remote learning requires an unusual and close partnership between families and teachers. Our teachers are working incredibly hard to create an excellent educational experience for your children, and we know that even the best remote instruction requires a high level of family support. And we are grateful for your support in helping students come to class on time and complete their “On My Own” assignments. Keep up the good work! And enjoy a few days off. We’ll see you after break.

All best,
Tony and Claudie

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