
Debbie Sullivan, Music Teacher
617.349.6577 x235

The K-4 music curriculum at Graham and Parks is based on Conversational Solfege, a method developed by Dr. John Feierabend. Folk songs from various cultures, Classical, and Jazz music are primary source materials. Students learn to use their singing (head) voices and perform at annual concerts. In addition to singing and dancing they play musical games, and experiment with percussion and barred instruments.

The ultimate goal is for all students to become “tuneful, beat-ful, and artful “Tuneful” students have tunes in their heads and learn to coordinate their voices to sing those tunes. “Beat-ful” students feel the pulse of music and how that pulse is grouped into either 2s or 3s. “Artful” students are moved by music in the many ways that music elicits a “feeling” response.

In the spring semesters, fourth grade students play recorders and learn the basics of reading music.

After attending a Boston Symphony Orchestra concert they feel more prepared to consider which instrument they will choose for the fifth grade year.

All fifth grade students select an instrument from the string, brass, or woodwind family. Fifth graders have music twice a week with a specialist on their chosen instrument. The goal is for students to continue with their instrument through Middle and High School.

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